Contract awarded for Contract No. DC/2012/02 “Upgrading of Mui Wo Sewage Treatment Works and Village Sewerage at Wang Tong and Yue Kwong Chuen”
31 July 2012
The Drainage Services Department signed a $767million contract with the Contractor Sum Kee – CEC Joint Venture on 30 July 2012 for upgrading of Mui Wo Sewage Treatment Works and construction of village sewers in Mui Wo to cope with planned developments and to improve environmental hygiene in unsewered villages.
The contract comprises mainly the upgrading of Mui Wo Sewage Treatment Works and about 2 km of trunk sewers in Mui Wo town centre, and construction of about 2.9km of village sewers for two unsewered areas. The contract is scheduled for completion in 2017.
Assistant Director / Projects & Development, Mr. Chan Kin Kwong (second right) attended the contract signing ceremony