Port Shelter sewerage, stage 2 – trunk sewers between Marina Cove and Hong Kin Road
The scope of the project comprises –
(a) construction of about 2.5 kilometres (km) of twin-pipe trunk sewage rising mains along Hiram’s Highway between Marina Cove and Hong Kin Road;
(b) construction of about 1.4 km of gravity trunk sewers along Hiram’s Highway between Marina Cove and Hong Kin Road; and
(c) ancillary works
To improve environmental hygiene and further reduce the amount of pollutants being discharged into the nearby stream courses
CE 91/2021 (DS) - Binnies Hong Kong Limited (Design Stage)
CE 69/2021 (HY) - WSP (Asia) Limited (Construction Stage)
China State-AICL-CSCEL Joint Venture (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited - Alchmex International Construction Limited - China State Civil Engineering Limited Joint Venture)
About $163.4 million