Drainage Services Department

PWP No. 4460DS

Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns – buildings, cavern ventilation system and associated works

Project Scope

The scope of the project comprises –
(a)   construction of an administration cum ventilation building and an electric substation at the main access tunnel portal of the proposed Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works; and a ventilation building, an electric substation and a sludge skip storage building at the secondary access tunnel portal;
(b)   construction and installation of the cavern ventilation system for the cavern and tunnel interior space of about 600 000 cubic metres in volume and associated electrical system;
(c)   construction of an emergency bypass of about 2.5 metres (m) diameter and about 1 150 m long; and
(d)   other related works

Major Improvements and Benefits

Relocating Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works (STSTW) to caverns will release the existing site of about 28 hectares which, together with the land from the Ma Liu Shui reclamation project, will provide a total of 88 hectares of new land mainly for innovation and technology development, and will improve the environment of the existing STSTW site and its surroundings.


AECOM Asia Company Limited


China State – Alchmex Joint Venture (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited – Alchmex International Construction Limited Joint Venture)

Contract No.
Project Commencement Date
1 August 2023
Project Completion Date
End 2029
Project estimate

About $3,123.8 million

Controlling Division
Cavern Projects Division
Sewerage and sewage treatment
Sha Tin
Other Information
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