Drainage Services Department

PWP No. 4452DS

Village sewerage for Kam Tin, Yuen Long (Stage 1)

Project Scope

Provision of public sewerage system for 8 unsewered villages (including Kam Tin San Tsuen, Kat Hing Wai, Ko Po Tsuen (Kam Tin), Tai Hong Wai, Tsz Tong Tsuen (Kam Tim), Wing Lung Wai, Ha Ko Po and Ko Po San Tsuen) in Kam Tin

Major Improvements and Benefits

To improve the hygiene conditions of the 8 unsewered villages in Kam Tin and the water quality of nearby watercourses


Arcadis Design & Engineering Limited

Controlling Division
Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Division
Sewerage and sewage treatment
Yuen Long
Under planning & design
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