PWP No. 4368DS

Yuen Long South Sewerage and Expansion of Ha Tsuen Sewage Pumping Station

Project Scope
The scope of the project mainly comprises (a) construction of about 9 kilometres of trunk sewers in Yuen Long South and Ha Tsuen areas; and (b) construction of a new sewage pumping station near Shui Tsiu San Tsuen Road in Yuen Long South and expansion of the existing Ha Tsuen sewage pumping station
Major Improvements and Benefits
To improve the water quality in Deep Bay and cater for the future development of Yuen Long
AECOM Asia Company Limited
DC/2009/08 - China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
DE/2009/10 - Torishma (Hong Kong) Limited
Contract No.
DC/2009/08, DE/2009/10, , ,
Project Commencement Date
24 September 2009
Project Completion Date
January 2014
Project estimate
About $550 million
Controlling Division
Sewerage Projects Division
Sewerage and sewage treatment
Yuen Long
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