Drainage Improvement in Southern Hong Kong Island – package 2A
The project comprises construction of about 800 metres (m) of stormwater drains with diameters ranging from 400 millimetres (mm) to 1 000 mm along the horse trail and walking trail located uphill of Pok Fu Lam Village, and about 260 m of stormwater drains with diameters ranging from 450 mm to 1 200 mm along Chi Fu Road, and ancillary works.
The proposed works comprise the construction of the drainage improvement works at the peripheral areas of Pok Fu Lam Village to intercept the stormwater upstream and divert it to the existing drainage system. Upon completion of the drainage improvement works, the drainage system concerned will be upgraded to the current standard and the flooding risk of Pok Fu Lam Village will be further alleviated.
DC/2019/06 - Ming Hing Waterworks Engineering Company Limited
DC/2021/01 - ASL - CRFG JV
$134.7 million