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DSD is responsible for flood protection, and collection and treatment of sewage in Hong Kong. On flood protection, the major activities include the planning and implementation of the drainage systems under each Drainage Master Plan, the river channel management in the New Territories, and the operation of flood protection facilities. On sewage collection and treatment, DSD designs, constructs, operates, and maintains sewerage system and sewage treatment plant with respect to the Sewerage Master Plan prepared by the Environmental Protection Department.

Flood Protection

With an annual rainfall exceeding 2,200 mm, one of the highest among the cities in the Pacific Rim, flooding is a serious concern in the low-lying areas of the northern New Territories and the old urban areas. DSD is tasked to reduce the risk of flooding and has been implementing a massive flood prevention programme. It includes the development of drainage tunnel, the training of river, the provision of village flood protection scheme, and the undertaking of urban drainage improvement works. To ensure that stormwater finds its way into the sea without causing flooding, DSD carried out maintenance works on 2,626 km of drainage channels and stormwater drains, and 27 village flood protection schemes in 2008. Furthermore, DSD also spent $1.4B on capital works for drainage improvement.

Sewage Collection and Treatment

DSD collected and treated 990 million cubic metres of sewage in 2008. The facilities for handling the sewage include 67 sewage treatment works (STW), 207 sewage pumping stations, 44 submarine outfalls, 3 effluent disposal tunnels, and 1,610 kilometres of sewers.

DSD continues to expand and upgrade the collection and treatment of sewage. About 120 villages are served by public sewers, and works are being carried out to extend the coverage to another 40 villages. On sewage treatment side, DSD commissioned the new membrane bioreactor process successfully in 2008.

Tai Lam MBR Plant
