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Drainage Services Department - Sustainability Report 2015-16

Stakeholder Engagement Activities / Voluntary Services and Charity Activities

[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Verification Statement] [Feedback Form] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Home | Director’s Statement | About this Report | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Joining Hands with Working Partners | Care for Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

Sub-sections in Stakeholder Engagement Activities

[Public Engagement Activities of DSD Projects] [Other Public Engagement Activities] [Other Stakeholder Engagement Activities] [Voluntary Services and Charity Activities]

Volunteering and Charitable Events

Our colleagues have been keen to volunteer and participate in charitable activities for the benefit of our community. During the year, DSD Volunteer Team took part in 27 volunteer activities, with over 1,000 service hours in total.

“Lovely Trip with the Kids”: Journey of Growth

This year, our Volunteer Team joined hands with Joyful Family Canteen to launch a series of visits and outings for children from low-income families , we travelled, interacted and grew together with the participants. In July 2015, we arranged a special trip for children to our Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel, giving them a chance to interact with our volunteers and know more about our work.


DSD volunteers and kids enjoying themselves



DSD volunteers organised “Tai Tong Orientation” and a visit to the Wetland Park for the children to explore nature in November

“Love and Tender Care”: Visiting the Elderly

Every year from July to December, our Volunteer Team makes monthly visits to the Helping Hand Lai Yiu Bradbury Care Home, running handicraft workshops and mingling with the residents. Over the years and countless intimate talk, we have grown close and fond relationship with the elderly.

At the mid-autumn Festival in September 2015, we visited the elderly at To Kwa Wan elderly home, and enjoyed this joyful festival together with lantern riddle and Cantonese Opera singing.

In December 2015, our Volunteer Team visited elderly who live alone to spread some holiday cheer and warmth in the wintry season. We then teamed up with our working partners in January 2016 to provide spring cleaning services for lone elderly residents in Cheung Sha Wan district. During each visit, we presented them with handicrafts made by our volunteers in support of the “Hong Kong Citizen, Hong Kong Heart” Campaign organised by the Social Welfare Department as blessing.


DSD volunteer chatted with the elderly as they were making handicraft, enjoying a joyful Saturday morning


DSD volunteer participating in rice distribution activity

Fundraising Activities

We also joined many community fundraisers throughout the year, including:

Shoreline Clean-up

In May, September, October and November 2015, our Volunteer Team and Green Champions worked together at various coastal clean-ups, to help conserve our invaluable natural habitats.


DSD Volunteer Team and Green Champions worked together at a coastal clean-up activity, and assisted in counting the amount of coastal garbage



[Executive Summary] [Traditional Chinese Version] [Simplified Chinese Version] [Graphical Version] [Verification Statement] [Feedback Form] [Key Statistics and Data] [GRI Content Index] [Sitemap]

Home | Director’s Statement | About this Report | Highlights of the Year | Governance Approach | Our Core Responsibilities | Environmental Management | Stakeholder Engagement Activities | Joining Hands with Working Partners | Care for Our Staff | Meeting the Targets |

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