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Environmental Performance
Achievement in Sewage Treatment 
Environmental Compliance and Monitoring 
Ecological Enhancement 
Green Office
Progress of Clean Air Charter 

Green Office

DSD offices are green. We continue our efforts in conservation of resources in our offices. We set our room temperature at 25.5 C, reduce lighting in the corridor, use recycled paper, and recycle printer cartridges and fluorescent lamps. Our environmental inspection teams check and remind staff to turn off the computers and the peripheral devices when they are not in use. The individual lighting intensity in our offices are reduced to save energy, but adjusted to sufficient level to suit individual requirement. On the use of paper, we further reduced the consumption in 2008 by 9% from 14,046 reams to 13,512 reams, in which 99% were recycled paper. We have also organized two campaigns to promote staff awareness on green office.

Paper Consumption and Recycling
